Precision Coating FTB Blog

PTFE-Coated Open Mesh Belting–THE Choice for Drying Processes

Posted by Craig Jones on Mar 16, 2018 11:37:01 AM

Does Your Application Require Superior Air and Heat Transfer?

PTFE-coated conveyor belts are used in a variety of applications where materials are handled in a high heat environment. The mesh allows air-flow to increase the rate of drying. Applications requiring superior air and heat transfer can benefit from the use of these open mesh belts. Air flows readily through the 1/16 or 1/4" open weave of fiberglass substrate, making it ideal for use in heat tunnels and process freezing applications.

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Topics: Fiberglass open mesh belt, PTFE coating, High Temperature Conveyor Belt

Conveying Products through Heat-Shrink Tunnels Using PTFE-Coated Open Mesh Belts

Posted by Craig Jones on Mar 6, 2017 1:26:44 PM

The Use of Heat-Shrink Tunnels in the Packaging Industry

Shrink tunnels are used in a variety of industries for retail, food, and industrial packaging. Chances are, you’ve already unwrapped a number of boxes this week from any given market that have been neatly packaged with the help of shrink-wrap. The impact and scope of this packaging practice is immense and almost limitless.

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Topics: Fiberglass open mesh belt, PTFE-coated fiberglass fabrics, tapes, and belts

The Use of PTFE-Coated Open Mesh Belt in the Textile Drying Industry

Posted by Craig Jones on Dec 7, 2016 3:02:22 PM

Conveying Textiles through the Drying Process Using PTFE-Coated Open Mesh Belts

Are you looking for a new or replacement belt to convey your textiles through your heated drying oven?

The textile drying industry involves the drying of assorted fabrics, including woven, non-woven, and felts by the introduction of heat from sources that include gas, oil, electric, or radio frequency (RF). The process of drying these materials involves conveying them using a PTFE-coated open mesh belt through a heated drying oven.

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Topics: Fiberglass open mesh belt

7 Reasons to Switch to a PTFE-Coated Fiberglass Open Mesh Belt

Posted by Craig Jones on Mar 30, 2016 9:14:45 AM

No Burn, Better Savings on Resources

This is an easy quiz. Questions you have likely already considered, answered, and left still searching for better alternatives to. Ready?

  1. Does your company incur significant energy bills?
  2. Are you seeing your molded pulp or fiber products being rejected due to burn marks or metal particles?
  3. Are you using an expensive metal belt to convey your product through the drying oven?
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Topics: Fiberglass open mesh belt, PTFE coating